Cousins w/ Musk Ox and Holobodys TONIGHT @ RAW SUGAR

Cousins w/ Musk Ox and Holobodys 

Tonight @ Raw Sugar Cafe  
Doors @ 9, $8

Why you should go:

1. Cousins is from Halifax, and so is Sidney Crosby, Alexander Keith, Ellen Page, and my mom.

2. They’re currently mid September Ontario tour, so you should catch them while they’re in Ottawa. To check out more tour dates: COUSINS SEPT TOUR FACEBOOK

3. They had a June/July tour which was joined by at various times by DUZHEKNEW, Jon Mckiel, and Thee Oh Sees, and brought them to cool places like NXNE. They released a short tour mixtape with DUZHEKNEW, which can be found at Bandcamp here (free – thanks Cousins!). It’s short but it’s enough to tell you to go tonight. While you’re checking that out, check out their other stuff for further musical enjoyment.

4. Musk Ox is local, and they are described as classical/folk/progressive. They do indeed sound as good as that description sounds.

5. Holobodys are said to be elusive and that’s true.

6. You aren’t going to Said the Whale w/ Rah Rah and Sara Lowes @ Live Lounge tonight.

7. You want to be in one of Ming Wu’s crowd shots.

  1. emilydawnrobertson said:

    Check out PhotogMusic’s flicks of the night above.

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